Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Action Plan Draft Outline

Action Planning Template
Goal: To improve student learning through the use of integrated technology in the classroom in the third grade.  To make integration seamless and align curriculum to use technology efficiently and effectively.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Research literature on subject

Erik Esparza
March 1-March 31
Computer , Printer and Internet access
Review and evaluate gathered literature to gain better understanding of subject matter
Interview third grade teachers regarding pitfalls of integration in their classrooms.  Interview students by classroom

Erik Esparza, Mrs. Barrier, Ms. Block, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Hathorne
March 1- March 31
Conference time, digital recorder. 
Analyze all interviews looking for patterns of behavior and common problems. 
Evaluate student interviews for likes and dislikes of technology

Analyze findings of surveys and interviews

Erik Esparza
April 1- May 1
Excel Spreadsheet or graphing program
Follow up Interview with teachers to share findings and reevaluate progress present solutions to teachers
Present solutions/ activities to teachers for curriculum integration

Erik Esparza, Mrs. Barrier, Ms. Block, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Hathorne
August- December
Computer Lab, Odyssey, CPS Response systems, Eno Boards
Analyze test score to determine immersion and effectiveness of solutions
Present Findings to Administration and faculty
Erik Esparza
January 15
Laptop Projector Multi-Purpose room
Form other wonderings from data and presentation


  1. Erik this plan looks great! I would ask what unit of measure you will use to determine if student learning has increased due to the technology pieces that are implemented?
    Great job and good planning!

    1. Monica, I will use daily work scores and Test results from campus assessments as well as district CBA's to measure the effectiveness of the implemented recomendations.

  2. Erik, looks like a wonderful plan. My question is how are you planning on obtaining your data from your survey? Will you be doing a handwritten survey or will you utilize something like goole forms or surveymonkey?

    1. Chris, I plan on using an eletronic survey that I will create in our district management system called eduphoria. I am going to do everything I can digitally on this project. Everyone in the sistrict has access to it and can easily get to it from any computer with an internet connection.
